Brent Edwards

Loan Officer/ Branch Manager

NMLS: 279289

Recycling Your Social Media Chart-Toppers

When you're planning your future social media posts or campaigns, be sure to look at last year's posts and take note of your top performers. Depending on the content, you may be able to use them again with minimal edits.

Let's say you published a blog article about your state's down payment assistance programs that earned you plenty of Likes and Shares, and some new clients. There's nothing wrong with reviewing the content, freshening it up and reposting it, as it's already proved to be a popular subject within your farm. Changing the headline to one that tells visitors that the article's been updated for 2024 can draw last year's readers, plus new ones.

Popular social media ideas can be recycled as well. If you invited followers to send you their favorite pet pics or restaurant recommendations last year, why not do it again?

If you're worried that your most loyal followers prefer 100% new content, keep in mind that not everyone sees every one of your posts. Statistics show that "reach rates" for social media rarely exceed 32%. So don't be afraid to freshen up and run your greatest hits again this year.


* Specific loan program availability and requirements may vary. Please get in touch with your mortgage advisor for more information.