Open House, or First Date? (What You Want To Know Wednesdays)

Have you ever noticed that going to an open house is similar to a first date? You get super nervous, and super excited. You wonder if it’s the right choice for you and if you can really handle this kind of long term relationship. brings us an intriguing and comical comparison between the two.   Read the full article here.

  1. Do some stalking recon – It’s inevitable that you will do some Google or Facebook investigating before you go on a first date. The same goes for open houses. You want to know what they are all about. Everything from the work they’ve had done, to the quality of upkeep from the previous owners. You can Google the property tax records, look them up on Property Shark, and check out public records. You’ll want to be prepared for any chance of the home looking different that it does in the pictures.
  2. Is beauty only skin-deep? - Now you’re at the house, and it’s beautiful. You’re a sucker for a pretty smile, and a bay window, but does that beauty go all the way to the guts? Or is it all just staging?   Remember to look past the outer beauty. Once all those flashy details are gone, are you still swooning? Are those flashy details hiding flaws? Such as a fresh coat of paint; is that paint just covering a crack? Always make sure to examine a house thoroughly. Open the drawers, the cabinets, run the faucets, and look under sinks. Is this house marriage material?
  3. Can you handle a fixer upper?   Outward appearances can be a little rough, but they could be hiding some serious charm and potential. Do you want to put in the work and money to bring out the inner potential?   If not, move on, you will find a home that suits your needs now.
  4. Be inquisitive – You’ve done all the recon, tried to look past their appearance and into their soul, but at some point you’re going to have to talk to a real person. You want to ask questions that provoke thoughtful and thorough answers, but you don’t want to go overboard.
  5. Don’t get seduced by the competition – You’ll want to keep an ear out for what the other people at the open house are saying, but don’t get swept up in the buzz. Take the time to work out how you really feel, and not what people are influencing you to feel.
  6. Let your agent be your wingman – Your agent can act as a chaperone, or you can make it a group date. Another professional set of eyes checking out the home can be very beneficial.   Your agent is there to help you. They want you to find a home!
  7. Consult your diary – Take notes on the houses you view! Ask if you can take photos or videos. You’ll want to make sure you document how the home makes you feel. It will also help refresh your memory later when you’re making your decision about which house to commit to.

* Specific loan program availability and requirements may vary. Please get in touch with your mortgage advisor for more information.